
Harbour Update – posted 07/07/22

It was only a matter of time, but the first ‘group’ of Spotted Redshank arrived yesterday with 3 in Middlebere, one in full summer plumage still and the other two in partial summer plumage. There was an early one a few weeks ago on the Brownsea Lagoon which didn’t stick around, but now is the time to start looking for them as the females start arriving back and passing through, having left their arctic breeding grounds in recent days. At Holes Bay the over-summering male Wigeon was off the Stone Bench at Upton CP and the first newly fledged Med Gull of the summer was on Lytchett fields, as was the juvenile Little Ringed Plover and the adult male. On Hartland near Middlebere what seemed to be a fresh juvenile Northern Wheatear was seen, possibly suggesting local breeding which would be another great Poole Harbour breeding record for the year if confirmed and would be almost equally as significant as the Poole Town breeding Black Redstarts which were still active again today in the private garden. There was also a Whimbrel in Brands Bay.

Spotted Redshank – Middlebere – Mark Wright

Spotted Redshank – Middlebere – Mark Wright

Over-summering male Wigeon – Holes Bay – Martin Adams

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