
Harbour update – posted 08/06/22

It was good to see that the two remaining juvenile Peregrines on the Barclays balconies this morning after the sad news the other day that the third flew into an office window and died only hours after fledging. The two remaining chicks look to be doing well and hopefully will stay out of trouble for a while and successfully fledge. A Quail was flushed from a meadow in the Lower Piddle Valley around lunchtime and White-tailed Eagle G801 was still in the Wareham Channel mid-morning. There were 2 winter-plumaged Bar-tailed Godwit on the Arne shoreline and 2 winter-plumaged Turnstone on the Brownsea Quay beach. Having not been reported so far this spring it was good to hear of 2 Yellowhammer at Challow Hill, Corfe and in Corfe village there were no less than 15 Common Swift flying around.

Yellowhammer – Challow Hill

Stonechat – Challow Hill

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