
Harbour Update – posted 05/06/22

It’s been a busy weekend for BBQ’s and boozing it seems, but less so for birding! Although today there were some nice highlights including the first fledging of one of the Poole Peregrines which made it’s way to the top of the close multi-story carpark roof before it was then mobbed by the local Herring Gulls. It then headed off north towards some flats near the King George pub. We’re sure it will be fine, and there are plenty of people currently keeping a close eye on them. This morning there were 5 Marsh Harrier over the Wareham Channel as was White-tailed Eagle G801. In Middlebere there were 3 Spoonbill with another single on the Brownsea Lagoon. On Shell Beach there was a group of 16 Sanderling and there were 2 Brent Geese in Brands Bay.

Newly fledged Peregrine – Poole Town Centre – Holes Bay Nature

Peregrine chick – Barclays building – Rene Goad

Sanderling – Shell Beach – Mark Wright

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