
Harbour Update – posted 14/07/21

Today the best bird was a White Stork that passed over Lytchett Bay, heading north. Sadly it was only seen by one individual here, but it could well have been the bird that was tracking east from Weymouth mid-morning. One of the juv Peregrines from Barclays landed on our Holes Bay Osprey feeding platform late afternoon, which was always a matter of when rather than if. There was also an Osprey at Morden Bog at 17:00, which is definitely neither of ours, and looks to be un-ringed. Plus, based on the tail moult looks like the bird that was over Middlebere late last week. At Holme Lane there was a single Green Sandpiper and at Lytchett Fields 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Whimbrel and 22 Black-tailed Godwit. An early autumn ringing session saw the first two dispersing juvenile Kingfishers ringed in the lower Piddle Valley.

Juvenile Peregrine on the Pergins Island Osprey feeding platform

Juvenile Kingfisher ringed in Lower Piddle Valley

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