
Harbour Update – posted 17/05/21

It seemed to rain pretty much all day, with added hail, a few rumbles of thunder and some pretty ‘whippy’ wind. Come on May…..sort yourself out!

It’s been a tough spring for a lot of breeding birds and spring migrants have been rather thin on the ground. It seems there are really limited numbers of breeding warblers, finches, pipits, hirundines etc out around the harbour. Hopefully things will spring into action when things warm up later in May and into June. There was a late Wheatear on Canford Heath today so there are still migrants coming through, so perhaps it’s just going to be a really late season this season. In Brands Bay 3 Brent Geese have decided they like the cooler temperatures so much they’re just going to stay as have 21 Sanderling. There were still 5 Little Ringed Plover at Lytchett Fields and a handful of Swift are back over Old Town Poole with 20+ back over the Hamworthy site too. Cuckoo were calling this morning from Coombe Heath, Slepe Heath and Arne.

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