
Harbour update – posted 04/05/21

The previous nights gale force winds eased today but there was still a stiff NW wind making birding efforts a tad tricky. Swift were logged over Wareham and Poole but seemed to be passing rather than scoping out nesting sites. On a chilly night the first Nightjar of the season was on a southern harbour heathland which must have been a shock to the system for the freshly arrived visitor from southern central Africa. Another first for the harbour this spring was a Spotted Flycatcher at Parkstone Heights playing field. Also this afternoon, female Osprey CJ7 laid her 3rd and final unfertilised egg as she finished off her breeding cycle for the season. This process each spring is strengthening her bond with the harbour, and hopefully with the potential arrival/return of some of our 2019 chicks over the coming weeks or months she could get some company soon!

CJ7 moments after laying her third unfertilised egg.

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