A right leg colour-ringed Osprey (probable female) flew over Brands Bay hide towards Little Sea at 2.45pm. Although we’ve not received reports of CJ7 visiting that area of the harbour before, she can’t be ruled out. Certainly a very interesting observation! Lytchett Fields held 7 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, Whimbrel, Redshank, 1 Dunlin, Greenshank, 55+ Pied Wagtail and at least 1 White Wagtail. Singing Cuckoos graced Swineham and RSPB Arne, and several summer-plumage Turnstone brightened up Baiter shoreline. Wheatear were well represented across the harbour, with records coming in from Coombe Heath, RSPB Arne (3) Lytchett Fields (1), Baiter Park (1) and Stoborough Heath, along with 2 Whinchat. Two Common Whitethroat were observed at PC World Drain, along with the vocal Cetti’s Warbler, Bullfinch, 2 juvenile Moorhen, 2 Gadwall and staple Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps.
One of two Whinchat – Stoborough Heath – Peter Moore
Wheatear – Stoborough Heath – Peter Moore
The 2025 Osprey season has officially started with the first birds back at Rutland water today! Hopefully not…
Find out moreSpring is here! 20+ Sand Martin were reported over the Frome water meadows east of Holmebridge this afternoon….
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