
Harbour Update – posted 14/03/21

Spring ramped up a notch again today with the first 2 Wheatear of the season appearing near Scotland Farm, Hartland. There was also news that two Osprey had returned to a nest site just south of Paris meaning that incoming Osprey are imminent, certainly when this W/NW wind eases away over the next couple of days. Our prediction is that the first of the year arrives/passes through some time of the next 4-7 days. At Holes Bay NE the Spotted Redshank was again at the outflow and at the PCW Drain there were 7 Chiffchaff, 1 Cetti’s Warbler and 1 Firecrest. At Swineham, despite the breeze c10 Sand Martin were feeding high over the gravel pit at least 5 Cetti’s Warbler were singing around the lake. The 3 Peregrine’s were active in and around the Barclays/Asda building and off Baiter there was a single Great Northern Diver.

Stonechat – Hartland Moor 

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