
Harbour update – posted 01/03/21

Finally….the true start of spring. The month we tend to see our first Ospreys, Wheatears, Willow Warblers and Little Ringed Plovers. Today heralded the first White Wagtail of the spring and we’ve already had the first Sand Martins and a Swallow last week, so hopefully the next ‘firsts’ will be sooner rather than later. Chiffchaff are now singing at numerous sites across the harbour. Some could potentially be early southern European migrants, but it’s likely many of these early singers are over-wintering birds warming up before moving off to their breeding grounds. The White-tailed Eagle that was in the harbour on Sunday spent all day just south of the harbour in the Church Knowle area, and was seen eating a rabbit. It’s great to know its still kicking about and could quite feasibly make its way north again back into the Poole Harbour recording area. At Swineham the Little Gull was still feeding above the Lower Piddle floods and at Holme Lane there were 11 Egyptian Geese on the pit. Woodlark are in full voice on numerous heathlands as are Skylark now. There were still 3 Slavonian Grebe off Jerry’s point. At Lytchett Fields there was a Marsh Harrier with another at Middlebere plus there was late news of both a male and female Hen Harrier in Middlebere on Saturday.

White Wagtail – Lytchett Fields – Shaun Robson

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