
Harbour Update – posted 07/07/20

Today was a good day…as we got to finally meet some members of the public again….hoorah! This evening we hosted our first public event since mid-March, and it felt great to be out talking to and enthusing with interested members of the public again. Our Nightjar walk saw us head up to Slepe Heath, in what was an initially chilly wind. Despite the breeze we had a great evening with some nice highlights including a Hobby high over Arne, a Marsh Harrier out over Giggers Island, a Common Sandpiper high overhead just after dark, departing from the harbour, numerous Meadow Pipit and Stonechat, 1 Hare, 1 Roe Deer, 4-5 Nightjar (seen really nicely too) and an amazing 22 Glow Worm. On in the mouth of the Piddle there was a group of 7 Common Sandpiper sat on a platoon highlighting more migration. At Lytchett Fields there were 7 Little Ringed Plover, 42 Redshank, 2 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 20 Lapwing, 4 Med Gulls and 12 Sand Martin. Plus, some more good news in that our 2018 female Osprey, 014 who had appeared in Wales earlier this spring and who spent most of May and June getting up to mischief on numerous different nests in that region suddenly appeared on the Axe Estuary in Devon, possibly suggesting she may be making an effort to return to Poole Harbour over the next few days/weeks? Lets hope so, it would be great to see her here again after 2-years of being away.


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