
Harbour Update – posted 11/06/20

It sounds like the pink wave may have reached Poole Harbour, although sadly it was enjoyed (so far) by only one lucky household. On Wednesday evening a resident along the North Walls of Wareham reported a Rose-coloured (Rosy) Starling in their garden feeding with Common Starling. The finders description sounded perfect, and the location was equally suitable so, despite no photo it really sounds like we had a Rose-coloured Starling grace Poole Harbour albeit briefly. Despite much searching by the Wareham birding fraternity it wasn’t relocated but there are multiple Starling flocks in and around Wareham/Northmoor and masses of gardens for it to hide in, so there’s every chance it could still be around! These flamboyant rarities from SE Europe tend to turn up in autumn and it’s usually the very drab juveniles that make it here. However, this springs influx has seen a wave of pink beauties arrive here in the UK, meaning others could also be lurking in urban gardens around the area. At Lytchett Fields there were 11 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Oystercatcher, 16 Lapwing, 8 Curlew, 26 Gadwall and 17 Teal (autumn really has started)! A short survey in some woodland in the west of the harbour in search of juvenile Long-eared Owl sadly didn’t produce the goods, but 4 Tawny Owl chicks from two separate pairs were logged.

Stonechat – Soldiers Road 

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