
Harbour Update – posted 27/05/20

Where on earth did May go????? It seems like only yesterday that CJ7 arrived, and now its almost June, we can begin to start thinking about a birders favourite time of year….autumn!

We say it, year after year, and never get bored of saying it, but the birding autumn actually begins in mid June as the first Green Sandpipers begin to move south, soon followed by Little Ringed Plovers. Then, the glory of autumn migration continues right the way through to mid-November….bliss!

In all honesty, there was some weird sightings today that could suggest failed breeding has already become a factor and birds are on the move ‘south’ already. A Little Ringed Plover at Bramble Bush Bay is an exceptional late May record and surely constitutes a departing bird? Also, 4 Lapwing were on Lytchett Fields already suggesting local failed breeders are already looking for places to spend the rest of the summer. Strangest of all were 35 Barnacle Geese which flew over Brownsea and towards Brands Bay…..where the hell did they come from????? Suggesting it’s almost autumn is one thing, but nearly mid-winter???!! 🙂

Also in Brands Bay was a fishing Osprey which is site we don’t believe CJ7 visits so it could have been a migrant. Other interesting birds of prey consisted of Red Kites over Ballard and Ridge with 2 Hobby and 1 Peregrine also over Ridge. The male and female Peregrine were on the Asda building still and Firecrest were heard singing at Sherford Bridge.

Terrapins – Hatch Pond – Ian Ballam

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