
Harbour Update – posted 20/04/20

Despite the lockdown, this is turning out to be one of the harbours best springs for scarcities in a while. Two weeks ago saw Hoopoe and White Stork, last week saw Cattle Egret turn up again and this evening, a local to Stoborough was out walking at Bog Lane and saw a Purple Heron flying up the Frome Valley, heading west. This is only the 6th Poole Harbour record and just goes to show what’s out there at the moment. With these easterlies continuing right into next week too, it’s possible more goodies are on the way (or are already here), so whilst out on your fitness walks be sure to keep an eye on the sky. Also in the Bog Lane area were 6 Egyptian Geese and 1 Wheatear. A Red Kite was over Soldiers Road this evening and one of the wardens on Brownsea found a very early Nightjar back on the heathland there. At Swineham a Cuckoo was still calling away and there were 2 Swift over the gravel pit. A migrant Marsh Harrier was seen over a central Poole garden and at Lytchett Fields the first Common Sandpiper of the spring arrived and there were 4 Whimbrel in the bay. At Hamworthy Beach there were still c30 Turnstone and on Ballard there were 4 Wheatear and a Yellow Wagtail flew over.

Now for an Osprey update. For those of you that are giving up hope, there was good news yesterday that one of the 2017 chicks from a Welsh nest at Dyfi, a bird named Aeron, returned to his natal nest during the afternoon. This is good because although this bird is from a Welsh nest, Aeron is the same age as LS7 meaning these 3-year old Osprey are still arriving into the UK. All we can say is keep watching and those fingers crossed because with the forecast over the coming week (or two), then if LS7 is on his way, then the weather should hopefully help him.

Tawny Owl on nest – Lytchett Matravers

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