
Harbour Update – posted 10/04/20

Red Kites, Red Kites everywhere! Although it’s great to watch CJ7 on the Poole Harbour nest cam, it’s also a wonderful treat to be able to nip outside, look to the sky and have a good chance of seeing a Red Kite pass by. Across Poole, Bournemouth and Purbeck good numbers went over during the course of the day with 3 over Fleetsbridge, 5 over Bournemouth 1 over Lytchett, 2 over Arne/Slepe and CJ7 even having to defend her nest from one at about 11:30am. Female Osprey CJ7 exhibited lots of interesting behaviour on the nest today from nest cup scraping, bringing in yet more sticks and grass, defending her nest from other raptors, and for the first time, late afternoon she brought a fish to the nest platform to feed on. Annoyingly she sat on the perching bar above the camera to feed so we could hear lots of eating but couldn’t actually see her. Oh well, we don’t blame her, who would want their home carpet stinking of fish!

There were lots of Swallow and House Martin passing over again and with the sun and blue sky set to continue there’s no better time to search the open space above your heads in search of raptors, hirundines, storks…or anything for that matter!

Red Kite – Poole Rene Goad

CJ7 bring some food to nest platform

CJ7 defending nest from a Red Kite

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