
Harbour Update – posted 28/02/20

Plenty of activity at Baiter in the wind and rain today, featuring 8 Ringed Plover, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit, 11 Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Redshank , c.150 Brent Geese and c.200 Oystercatcher. A Spotted Redshank occupied Brownsea Lagoon and another 3 could be seen from Middlebere. The long-staying Siberian Chiffchaff continues to loiter around Wareham Common and the Morden Bog Great Grey Shrike remained visible just west of Old Decoy Pond. Lytchett Fields continued to hold the Harbour’s Water Pipit, with a single bird seen today along with a Green Sandpiper.

Black-tailed Godwit – Baiter Park – Ian Ballam


Bar-tailed Godwit – Baiter Park – Ian Ballam


Redshank – Baiter Park – Ian Ballam


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