
Next BoPH event and Poole Harbour Survey…

Don’t forget that the next ‘Birds of Poole Harbour walk will be taking place on Saturday 20th of April. There are a handful of places left so don’t miss out. Word on the grapevine is that it’s due to warm up soon, so we may even have some sun and warmth! Check out the event here…

Poole Harbour Survey

We were kindly forwarded this link today by the ‘Two Owls Birding’ group ( which is a survey looking at the recreational uses of Poole Harbour. It’s a specific bird watching survey so please take the time to look at it and complete it…

Some sightings from the last few days…

A Stone Curlew was reported on Brownsea Island yesterday, which is a fantastic Poole harbour record. Also on Brownsea 2 Spoonbill, 3 Spotted Redshank, 54 Knot, 1 Woodcock and 8 Sandwich Tern. The Yellow Wagtail remained at Lytchett Bay for its fourth day, also there a Bittern, 19 Snipe, 28 Redwing and 29 Brent Geese.  In Holes Bay, not much change but still many 10’s of Chiffchaff, 6 Sand Martin, 2 Kingfisher 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Pintail and 4 Great Crested Grebe. A single Sandwich Tern was a Shore Road. The Scarlet Rosefinch and 14 Brambling are still feeding in a private garden in Broadstone. There was a Black Redstart at Studland Church. Also in the area there was just 1 Black-necked Grebe and 8 Common Scoter at Middle Beach and an incredible 330 Med Gulls at South Beach. A Red Kite drifted over Little Sea, Studland.

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