
What a Year – posted 31/12/13

What a year 2013 has been with a real selection of birding and conservation highlights in the harbour.  I’ll write a brief report sometime this week, but we would like to thank EVERYONE that’s contributed to our cause one way or the other over the last year. It’s certainly been a year to remember and we hope that 2014 is even bigger and better. Some interesting reports from the last two days have included a Long-tailed Duck on Swineham GP, a Black-necked Grebe in Holes Bay, 3 Great Skua past Middle Beach, Studland and 8 Goldeneye on Poole Park lakes. The best of the rest include 29 Black-necked Grebe in Studland Bay and 12 in Brands Bay, 7 Great Northern Diver off Jerry’s Point along with the Surf Scoter, 7 different Marsh Harrier and 4 separate Hen Harrier (2 male, 2 female). On Baiter 22 Turnstone, 300+ Brent Geese and 200+ Oystercatcher. There were 8 Sanderling at Shore Road and 52 Bar-tailed Godwit. The 4 Purple Sandpiper were still at North Haven and another 5 Red-throated Diver past out at sea with many Kittiwake, 4 Gannet and lots of Auks.

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