
Cranes and Stilts – posted 12/04/14

Spring migration really got exciting over the last couple of days firstly with 3 Common Cranes seen flying up the Frome Valley from Stoborough yesterday, unfortunately disappearing before they could be enjoyed by anyone else. However, late this afternoon another great spring species was discovered when not one but TWO Black-winged Stilts were found on the flooded fields of Swineham/Bestwall on the Bestwall river walk. This species has only ever been recorded in the harbour twice before with the last observation being in 1978! This goes to show that it’s well worth getting out at the moment as you just don’t know what’s round the next corner. Also at Swineham big pules of Swallow were going through and a Wheatear and 1 Willow Warbler were present. A Red Kite flew past Corfe Castle.  Blackcap and Willow Warbler are very evident right across the harbour at the moment with birds singing from many a hedgerow. Be on the look out this week for Whitethroat returning as this is ‘the week’ they start to arrive en mass.  

Black-winged Stilts – Swineham – Paul Morton

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