
Harbour Update – posted 01/08/14

The low level cloud and early morning rain looked promising for a drop of migrants, and indeed one particular species certainly did arrive en mass through the reed beds at dawn. A three-hour ringing session in the north of the harbour produced a record breaking 232 birds, 191 of them Sedge Warbler. This was only a tiny percentage of the total amount of Sedge Warbler present with birds still passing through late afternoon. Its possible between 400-700 (even more?) passed through that area today. Two Osprey were again present in the Wareham Channel early on with both sets of Marsh Harrier young, which are now getting a lot more adventurous and wandering quite far and wide. In Holes Bay there was 122 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Common Gull, 4 Redshank and  1 Common Sandpiper.

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