
Harbour Update – posted 07/10/14

During the gales of yesterday morning a sea watch at Branksom Chine came up trumps with 10 Arctic Skua and 2 Pomarine Skua, as well as 2 Arctic Terns, 4 Dunlin and 2 Mediterranean Gull. Great White Egrets were seen in Brands Bay, Lytchett Bay and this morning on the Brownsea Lagoon, all sightings most likely consisting of 2 birds. Also on Brownsea just 16 Spoonbill, a very poor show indeed compared to recent events! The ringtail male Hen Harrier was again over Hartland Moor, this time with a Hobby in tow and a Hobby was over Arne Moors again. Out on Baiter an Arctic Tern was seen hunkering down out of the rain with 2 Common Tern and a Sandwich Tern, along with 26 Ringed Plover, 50+ Dunlin, 10+ Turnstone and 200+ Oystercatcher. Brent Geese are arriving day by day at the moment with around 50 in the harbour so far, with birds gathering in Studland Bay and a few smaller groups venturing into the harbour. There was also a report of a possible Rose Coloured Starling just outside the harbour, around the back of Sandford on the edge of Wareham Forest.

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