
Harbour Update – posted 10/10/14

Today saw the harbours first (and hopefully not last) Yellow-browed Warbler of the autumn, at the south end of Knoll Beach, Studland.  Sea-watched at Branksome have been fairly quiet, but an Arctic Skua was a nice welcome, along with more and more Brent Geese arriving in small groups. Lytchett Bay has seen a nice mix of birds on the new scrape that’s been created along the lane to the water works, including 2 Spotted Redshank, 1 Ruff, 7 Greenshank, 132 Redshank, big numbers of Teal and Wigeon. There were 2 Sandwich Tern out on Baiter during the recent windy weather.  Brownsea Avocet numbers are growing day by day with around 400+ now present, and at least 32 Spoonbill were still on the lagoon. Down at Baiter a nice flock of 25 Turnstone were giving exceptionally close views down to a couple of feet!


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