
Harbour Update – posted 15/10/14

Not many sightings from today other than an Arctic Tern at Lytchett Bay, 42 Spoonbill at Arne and 2 Hen Harrier again out over Hartland.  To make up for a lack of sightings then here are a few sound recordings I’ve made from recent outings from around the harbour.

European Golden Plover

This recording was of two birds flying over Glebelands early yesterday morning having alighted from a recently ploughed field. 



This is an interesting recording as it’s of a call I’m quite un-familiar with. It’s of two Yellowhammer flying up the south side of Ballard having just crossed Swanage Bay, one of them omitting short rapid bursts of notes with a higher pitched  ‘p-lick’ every half a second or so.

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