
Harbour Update – posted 01/11/14

Apologise for the site going down last night, especially with a decent round up of birds to include. The harbour seemed to churn up goody after goody yesterday starting with 2 Yellow-browed Warbler in the corner of Knoll Beach car park, accompanying 3 Firecrest, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Lesser Redpoll and a fly over Brambling. Out in Studland Bay 5 Common Scoter were present, also 11 Black-necked Grebe and a handful of Great Crested Grebe. Wood Pigeon numbers aren’t quite taking off yet, with a max count of only 2240 so far from central Poole. For me, highlight of yesterday was a family party of 4 Whooper Swan that dropped into Middlebere for the afternoon, 1 adult and 3 juveniles. On Brownsea 42 Spoonbill were still present. At Arne Farm 2 Black Redstart were feeding on the farm buildings, with another in Market Street, Poole. There are currently 6 Marsh Harrier in the normal roost, with 2 Hen Harrier, which continue to commute between Middlebere, Hartland and Swineham most days.

Today, an early morning visit to Middlebere to see if the Whoopers had over-stayed resulted in negative swan news but a beautiful sunrise and great birds still made it worth while as 32 Spoonbill fed and a ringtail Hen Harrier hunted roosting starlings with 200 Avocet resting up on the tide line. Redwings were passing overhead on Coombe and a Merlin dashed across the heath. Further down the road towards Soldiers Road the ‘6 thrush challenge’ was completed as a Ring Ouzel was in a hawthorn bush, the first Fieldfares passed overhead, a Mistle Thrush sat on wires and Blackbird and Song Thrush bustled through the bushes. A Black Redstart was at Lytchett Bay, and a Rock Pipit was caught during a ringing session bearing a Belgium ring. Also at Lytchett Bay 1 Firecrest, 15 Greenshank, 5 Spotted Redshank and a Hen Harrier

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