
Harbour Update – posted 23/12/14

Well, Christmas is almost upon us and the harbour has been delivering its own set of Christmas presents recently with Red-necked Grebes, Black Guillemot, Bean Geese, numerous Marsh and Hen Harriers, vast wader flocks and a good selection of open water species. As everyone winds down for the festive period I strongly urge you to get out and explore the harbour in a bid to walk off that Christmas pudding and those mince pies. This morning I visited South beach again to see what I could find out on the water, and by scanning back and forth across Studland Bay I counted 26 Black-necked Grebe, 1 Slavonian Grebe, 10 Common Scoter, 1 Great Northern Diver and 8 Red-breasted Merganser. Late news, but a Great Bustard flew over Lytchett Bay on Sunday, which will be one of the released birds from the Salisbury Plain reintroduction program. There are still are minimum of 3 Purple Sandpiper on the groynes at North Haven, often association with Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Sanderling. I managed to get some footage of the Common Scoter flock this morning off South Beach and also of a decent Lapwing flock at Swineham and a Grey Plover hanging out with a Turnstone in Bramble Bush Bay. You can watch each of the videos HERE.       

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