
Harbour Update – posted 31/01/15

Today I led our monthly field trip, this month was around Swineham and although windy, the northerly direction of the icy blast meant we were largely sheltered most of the way around. Good numbers of wildfowl out on the pits including Pochard, Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Teal, Shoveler and plenty of Greylag and Canada Geese. Marsh Harrier were present most of the way around, with a few over the GP and a few more over the reed beds. Nine Spoonbill (flock of 7 then 2) headed up the Frome Valley at dusk and a few large flocks of Lapwing were spooked by the harriers. A few Cetti’s Warbler were calling and a flock of 8 Fieldfare were near ‘Curlews cottage’. Black-tailed Godwit were also moving up and down the valley in small numbers as were a few Curlew. The sunset was also stunning. There was a great wildfowl count in Brands Bay yesterday with 266 Pintail, 639 Teal and 162 Wigeon, there were also 3 first winter Spoonbill there today, a sub-adult female Marsh Harrier and large numbers of commoner waders. South Haven saw 4 Black-necked Grebe with a few more and a Slavonian Grebe of Middle Beach. Spoonbill were also present in Holes Bay on the low tide today, with the usual Spotted Redshank and yesterday 2 Common Sandpiper were present. 

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