
Harbour Update – posted 28/02/15

Today was our monthly BoPH field trip, which was due to be held on Slepe Heath, but thanks to driving drizzle and a strong breeze, we headed to Middlebere instead. A well worth diversion as we saw 6 Spoonbill from the Middlebere Hide, as well as 1 Yellow-legged Gull, and good numbers of Grey Plover, Redshank, Curlew, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Teal, Wigeon, Brent Geese and a ringtail Hen Harrier about 30 mins previous. A visit to Slepe Heath later in the day produced 2 Woodlark and a 2 ringtail Hen Harrier out over Arne moors. The Great White Egret was out in front of the Brands Bay hide today with 2 Spoonbill. Spoonbill were also present in the Wareham Channel (2) and Lytchett Bay (1). At Holton Lee the lesser-spotted Woodpecker was heard again and the 2 Marsh Tit were on the feeders along with a few Siskin. Marsh Harriers were noted at Lytchett Bay and Swineham.  

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