
Harbour Update – posted 13/04/15

A few birders made it out today before what looks like a very foggy forecast for tomorrow.  Starting at Arne where an Osprey (possibly the same individual from last week) was seen circling over Middlebere and then the Wareham Channel. From Ridge Wharf a Tree Pipit flew over, and 6 Wheatear were out on the moors. Plenty of Swallow were passing overhead today and a Red Kite was photographed at East Holme, heading towards the harbour.  Along the Arne road several Willow Warbler were in full song and there was a small arrival of Blackcap in the north of Poole with a minimum of 6 singing males at Holes Bay. At Lytchett Bay there was 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Greenshank, 1 summer plumaged Green Sandpiper and a handful of Swallow and Sand Martin.

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