
Harbour Update – posted 01/11/15

The beginning of the month started off very mild and then the dreaded fog rolled in. Still, there was a nice spread of birds. AT RSPB Lytchett Fields there were 2 Marsh Harrier over the fields and 5 Greenshank on the fields, along with the usual spread of common waders and wildfowl. There was also a Merlin there and the first Brent Geese and Great Crested Grebes of the winter (for Lytchett Bay) were out on the water. The Black Redstart was seen again in the allotments on Slogh Lane, Upton and another on the farm building at Arne. At Upton CP and Holes Bay the Goldcrest influx was obvious with birds in almost every bush and tree, also 3 Sandwich Tern and a Common Sandpiper south of the railway bridge. There have also been several comments regarding the Peregrine Falcon that’s been visiting the lagoon in as much that the black hood, dark appearance and all round structure of the bird seems slightly odd. If anyone has managed to get photos of this bird over the last week or two we’d be really interested in seeing them. Up on Slepe Heath there were 4 Lesser Redpoll, plenty of Reed Bunting and a Hen Harrier was seen catching a Water Rail. At Middlebere there were 160 Wigeon, 126 Lapwing, 62 Avocet, 12 Spoonbill, 9 Spotted Redshank, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Marsh Harrier and 2 Chiffchaff

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