
Harbour Update – Posted 12/01/16

After a perfect still day and evening last night, the icy wind kicked in out of nowhere today putting a rather uncomfortable chill on the days birding attempts. Out on the Moors, Marsh Harriers became active just after sunrise and a surprise Crossbill passed overhead and at dusk a ringtail Hen Harrier passed by and 1 Woodcock and 1 Snipe flew out at dusk to go and feed. In Middlebere there was an adult Yellow-legged Gull, c300 Black-tailed Godwit, c50 Avocet, 25 Lapwing, c200 Dunlin, 800 Brent Geese, 1 Little Grebe and several Curlew. At Hatch Pond there were 60+ Common Snipe in the cut reedbed. On Lytchett Pools there was a single Green Sandpiper and a Bullfinch. The Baiter Great Northern Diver was still present with 6 Goldeneye off shore. At Arne, 30+ Spoonbill were roosting off Shipstal with 26 Pintail and 25 Avocet. The redhead Smew was again in Holes Bay south and 2 Bearded Tit were in the reedbedwith the long boardwalk through it. 

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