
Harbour Update – posted 16/03/16

This NE wind we’re experiencing still seems to keeping the birds at bay, still with no reports of many migrants in the harbour yet. Even our latest night sound recording session produced just 14 Redwing calls and nothing else. After an absence of several weeks the Great White Egret reappeared in Brands Bay mid morning. In Middlebere just 3 Spoonbill today and a ringtail Hen Harrier were seen from the hide. Out off Baiter 2 Great Northern Diver were feeding along with several Red-breasted Merganser. Some interesting additions from our night recording session on March 10th now include 1 Brambling and what we’re pretty sure is a Mandarin Duck! (Thanks Nick Hopper for the pointer)

Mandarin Duck – (Likely)Mandarin – Passing over Old Town Poole, Listening Station – 03:03 (10/03/16)

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