
Harbour Update – posted 13/04/16

Todays highlight was a Siberian Chiffchaff singing at South Haven, Studland near the boardwalk. Also through there, a Yellow Wagtail, Whimbrel and small passage of finches, Swallows and Corvids. A ringing session in the north of the harbour saw the first 4 Blackcap of the spring ringed including a male from a pervious year which we’re checking the date on now.  Second to our lovely night recording of a Cuckoo passing over Poole in the darkness on Monday night, several ‘daytime’ sightings have now begun to occur with one calling in Rempstone, one on Hartland and one near Arne. At Lytchett Bay there are still 2 summer plumaged Water Pipit plus a summer plumaged Spotted Redshank


Male and female Blackcap – Poole Harbour North


Little Ringed Plover – Arne moors (yesterday) 


Linnet – Holton Lee 

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