
Harbour Update – posted 29/04/16

There were 3 Little Tern in Middlebere again, but no sign of the Osprey, however a Red kite drifted over there and 2 Whimbrel were in the channel. At the PC World drain a Spotted Flycatcher was feeding in the treeline, also 2 Garden Warbler, 1 Whitethroat, 8 Blackcap and 2 Willow Warbler there. At South Haven 14 Pale-bellied Brent Geese passed and a Cuckoo was calling. At Lytchett Fields 61 Whimbrel passed over also on site 154 Shelduck a late Snipe, 3 White Wagtail, 30+ Pied Wagtail and 1 Yellow Wagtail.

Spotted Flycatcher – PC World Drain – Paul Morton


Whimbrel – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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