
Harbour Update – posted 30/05/16

Yet another Red Kite was seen, this time drifting low along the Studland Road, heading towards South Haven plus another 2 were seen drifting over Canford Heath at around 11:30am. On Littlesea an unseasonal 11 Great Crested Grebe had formed a small feeding raft. Up on Hartland a silent Cuckoo was busy feeding from a telegraph pole and a Hobby passed over there. 

Although the migration season has now pretty much finished, its still a great time of year go get out and familiarise yourself with bird sound as males are still busy defending territories and others still desperately trying to pair up before its too late. Reed and Cetti’s Warbler at Swineham can be heard in good numbers at the moment, Woodlark are still singing out on the heathland and Dartford Warbler can still be seen and heard display flying. Obviously Nightjar are back and their familiar churring call can be heard just before dark, but see if you can hear any of the other call types they do in-between churring sessions. Out on the Spartina Redshank song rings out and sitting in the hide at Middlebere will currently allow you to encounter this, whilst Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler sing from the scrub woodland behind. And if you’re really lucky you may encounter something a bit different like this male Common Redstart we heard singing at Arne last week. 

Common Redstart – song of 1st summer male – Arne RSPB Reserve – 23/05/16


Red Kite – Studland Road – Paul Morton

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