
Harbour Update – posted 23/06/16

evening visit saw 17 Curlew feeding in the top end and Redshank still displaying out on the Spartina. Little Egrets were continuously flying over the Arne peninsular into roost over in the Wareham Channel with a minimum of 20 just before dusk. Parties of Swift were also heading back to Wareham at dusk, feeding frantically in the twilight. Nightjars at Arne were again on good form, with several seen along Soldiers Road too. Juvenile Tawny Owls are now beginning to be heard with one at Arne and one at Holton Lee. At Lytchett Fields the Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing and Redshank numbers remained roughly the same as yesterday. A male Cuckoo was on wires above Slepe Heath along the Arne Road. 

Reed Warbler – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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