
Harbour Update – posted 10/07/16

The Arne Nightjar was again sat on its normal branch today, viewable from the café terrace. A photo was taken at the weekend showing the bird to actually be ringed, which is a good record. Over the last few years a good number have been ringed on the local heaths including Canford Heath, Wareham Forest and Arne its self so chances its been ringed locally, but knowing for certain would certainly be interesting. At Lytchett Fields a Marsh Harrier again put all the waders up before disappearing over towards Holton Lee, then not 2 minuets passed when a fresh juvenile Peregrine started eyeing the 150+ Black-tailed Godwit, 50+ Redshank and 20+ Lapwing. Other general sightings from Lytchett Fields included an increase of Sand Martin with 20+ feeding with House Martins and Swifts over the Arable Field and 7 Stock Dove

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