
Harbour Update – posted 03/11/16

The harbour is getting better and better by the day at present with winter species building in numbers and getting easier to see. On low tides at Baiter, Turnstones and Ringed Plover can be found feeding along the shorelines whilst in Holes Bay the first Avocets (for this part of the harbour) were feeding fairly close to the cycle path in Holes Bay north along with big numbers of Wigeon and Teal still. Brent Geese numbers are still building with 100+ along the Studland Beaches and Red-breasted Merganser numbers are building nicely out in Bramble Bush Bay, Brands Bay and near the harbour mouth. In Middlebere the Avocet and Black-tailed Godwit flocks are something you should try and get to see either from Arne or from the Middlebere Hide as frequent visits from Marsh Harriers and Peregrines turn lazy autumn afternoons into a portrait of excitement and panic.  The 3 Hen Harrier were still present in Poole Harbour south today with a single Merlin. At Lytchett Fields, counts included 271 Dunlin, 1 Curlew Sandpiper, 1 Grey Plover, the Lesser Yellowlegs and 2 Water pipit.

IMPORTANT Lytchett Fields temporary closure notice –

RSPB is suspending public access to the Reserve due to the risks present from unauthorised cattle being present. RSPB regrets any inconvenience caused and access will be re-opened as soon as the unauthorised trespass has been removed

Brent Geese – Studland – Phyl England

Wigeon – Holes Bay – Ian Ballam

Water Pipit – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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