
Harbour Update – posted 06/12/16

The Green-winged Teal couldn’t be relocated today but efforts to find it were rewarded when a Great White Egret passed over-head going north and a high count of 7 Water Pipit on the fields. The Lesser Yellowlegs was again off the Black Pipe in Lytchett Bay and a Jack Snipe was flushed from the path. A Marsh Harrier and ringtail Hen Harrier flew by the Middlebere hide mid-morning but there was no sign of the Black Brant that was reported yesterday. There was a (re)sighting of the Great Grey Shrike on Canford Heath again on Saturday and the below map shows the area its been favoring since its stay. Thanks Terry Elborn for the map. At Arne, Firecrests can still be found (with a bit of searching) in the car park and there seem to be good numbers of Dartford Warbler visible around the paths on Coombe Heath.

Also don’t miss our NEW PUBLIC BIRD BOAT TOUR PROJECT. To book on or for full tour information click the button… 

Lesser Yellowlegs – Lytchett Bay – Ian Ballam 


Map of favored Great Grey Shrike area on Canford Heath just NW of Tower Park

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