
Harbour Update – posted 07/12/16

After going missing for a day the Green-winged Teal reappeared on Lytchett Fields showing really well on Sherford Pools mid-morning and the Lesser Yellowlegs was again feeding out in Lytchett Bay on the low tide with 2 Spoonbill and a Marsh Harrier there. At Middlebere a ringtail Hen Harrier past the hide several times where it was superbly photographed by local photographer Simon Kidner. At Arne 2 Merlin were seen dashing about in Middlebere and a male Marsh Harrier was also present. At the mouth end the Middlebere Chanel up to 1000 Avocet were feeding in a single flock with Grey Plover, Black-tailed godwit, Dunlin and Curlew also feeding. Off Middlebere 11 Black-necked Grebe were in a single flock. 

Also don’t miss our NEW PUBLIC BIRD BOAT TOUR PROJECT. To book on or for full tour information click the button… 


Hen Harrier – Middlbere – Simon Kidner

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