
Harbour Update – posted 03/01/17

Wow, what a morning! No, it hadn’t quite snowed, but it certainly looked like it with everything tinged and sketched white. Early doors saw 12 Barnacle Geese fly from Swineham out on to Arne Moors which could be viewed from Slepe Heath, with a Marsh Harrier also passing over there. A ringtail Hen Harrier was seen passing Middlebere. At Lytchett Fields the Lesser Yellowlegs and Green-winged Teal were seen and 8 Crossbill passed overhead with a male Merlin and ringtail Hen Harrier also seen. At Littlesea, Studland the Great White Egret was present and in Bramble Bush Bay 45 Sanderling were feeding. At the PC World Drain there were 4 Chiffchaff and a Firecrest. Finally there were 11 Black-necked Grebe in Studland Bay.

Colour-ringed Sanderling (awaiting details) – Sandbanks – Peter Moore

Colour-ringed Black-tailed Godwit – Upton CP – Peter Moore

Originally ringed 18/01/15 on the Axe Estuary

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