
Harbour Update – posted 28/03/17

Hooray! An Osprey arrived today which was actually photographed over Morden Bog but it was carrying a massive fish, which we assume must have come from the harbour. Chances are it could still be around somewhere so worth keeping an eye out around Arne, Middlebere and the Wareham Channel area.  There was also still a ringtail Hen Harrier in the west of the harbour too and 2 Marsh Harrier finally looked as if they may begin some kind of courting…about ruddy time, the Radipole harriers have been ‘at it’ for weeks! At Lytchett Fields there were 2 Water Pipit and the Green-winged Teal and the Lesser Yellowlegs was on French’s Pools. In Middlebere a few waders were recorded with 2 Spotted Redshank and several Greenshank.

Dartford Warbler – Keith Rawling – Poole Harbour south

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