
Harbour Update – posted 03/05/17

We’ve got a few exciting projects on the go around the harbour at the moment, some we’ll be able to update you on shortly, but its also great to see how other organisations locally are doing their bit to help interpret the harbour and provide better visitor access. The Borough of Poole and team at Upton CP have recently completed and installed new cycle paths around the park, providing a really excellent new viewing and visitor experience. They really help open the site up and with even bigger plans further down the line Upton CP could really become a great hub to learn about and experience our local natural heritage. Top work!

New paths at Upton CP 

Sightings today indicated a fall of chats around the harbour with Redstarts at Hartland, Arne and Slepe Heath. Wheatears were at Hartland, Greenlands Farm and Swineham and a Whinchat was along the Corfe to Studland Road. A Red Kite drifted low over Old Town Poole late afternoon and what’s likely to be our only record for the year (as sad as it sounds) of a Turtle Dove came from one dashing over a Poole Garden late afternoon. If anyone see’s, photographs or hears Turtle Dove within our Poole Harbour area then please let us know, this is nowadays an extremely rare species and to only have one record per year is criminal. At Lytchett Fields there were 2 Ruff, 10 Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover. At Holton Pools (more about this site next week) a Little Ringed Plover was on the new scrapes with a single Greenshank and a Yellow Wagtail flew over. At Slepe Heath a Hobby was hawking over the eastern end and at Middlebere Dunlin, Grey Plover, Black-tailed Godwit and a single Common Sandpiper were out in front of the hide. 

Female Whinchat – Corfe Road – Paul Morton

Little Ringed Plover – Holton Pools – Paul Morton

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