
Harbour Update – posted 18/05/17

It was good to finally get into the spring action today although today’s top bird was only seen by one individual. A Golden Oriole was seen in woods in the SE corner of Hartland Moor at around midday but despite much searching it couldn’t be re-found. There were several Spotted Flycatcher found in that area though during the search. At Holton Lee 2 Whimbrel flew over Lytchett Bay and on Lytchett Fields there were 5 Ringed Plover, 4 Dunlin, 1 Whimbrel and usual waders. At Arne a Marsh Harrier was in Middlebere, a Hobby was over Coombe Heath and Peregrines were over Old Harry and Hartland. 

Great Spotted Woodpecker – Holton Lee – Connie Leicester

Goldfinch – Holton Lee – Connie Leicester

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