
Harbour Update – posted 21/05/17

The steady SE wind which kicked in by midday felt like it could bring in some eastern promise, perhaps a Honey Buzzard or Black Kite? Alas, it wasn’t to be, but there was a good showing of Raptors in the SW of the harbour with 2 Hobby over Arne Moors, 2 Marsh Harrier over the Wareham Channel, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Peregrine all circling over and around Slepe Heath. Cuckoo’s were calling at dawn again at Swineham, Greenlands’s Farm and Arne. Common Swift can be seen and heard bombing up and down the main high street in Wareham which is always one of our summer highlights, however not many have been seen over Old Town Poole yet. Along the track at Middlebere the song of Redshank can be heard early morning and before dark with other birds displaying at Lytchett Fields, Wareham Water Meadows and Keysworth. There are still 2 Avocet on Brownsea and Nightjars were heard calling on and singing on Coombe Heath, Arne with another roosting in its usual place on Brownsea Island. 

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