
Harbour Update – posted 09/06/17

As mid-June approaches, the rate of sightings inevitably begins to drop off as people start turning their attentions to summer holidays and BBQ’s…and quite rightly so. But although it all gets a bit ‘samey’ this time of year we’re so lucky that our ‘samey’ is in fact incredibly rich in variation. Many birds are now on second (or even third) broods and whether you’re tracking down parties of Dartford Warbler, family groups of Stonechat, small flocks of Woodlark, trilling Linnets, noisy and raucous Sandwich Terns, mystical Nightjars, melodic Blackcaps, vocally explosive Tree Pipit, acrobatic Hobby or even just out for a nice stroll in the Dorset countryside then there is still plenty to see and experience. The weeks seem to move so fast now and it won’t be long before long summer days already draw in cool autumnal breezes over dark coastal sky’s so with the whether next week set to be a scorcher get out there and enjoy it with the birds. Today the 5 Spoonbill were again roosting on Lytchett Fields and the Osprey was seen heading to Wareham Forest having just caught a fish in the Wareham Channel.  

Spoonbill – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam

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