
Harbour Update – posted15/06/17

Sometimes, you just never know what’s going to turn up. Hard core patch watcher Ian Ballam has been monitoring Lytchett Fields almost daily for about 3 years now and has had some decent rewards. This spring however has been rather slow for scarcities, not just at Lytchett Fields, but across the whole harbour. So it was welcome news when Ian phoned this morning saying he had a Buff-breasted Sandpiper on French’s Pools, Lytchett Fields. This is only the second ever Poole Harbour record of this rare North American visitor and to have it in June is even more scarce. A typical time of year for this species would be late August or early September when youngsters moving south get blown across the Atlantic on their maiden voyage to their wintering grounds in South America. Sadly it didn’t stick around long and was gone before many other people got to see it. It could still be around somewhere so worth checking Lytchett Fields, Holton Pools, Brownsea Lagoon or any recently ploughed fields! The male Osprey was still hanging around the Arne peninsular with reports of one catching a fish right in front of the Shipstal Hide and 2 Hobby were over Slepe Heath, Middlebere area. The 5 Spoonbill were still on Brownsea too.

There’s also a Purbeck Coastline Puffin Cruise on Saturday evening leaving from Poole Quay and hosted by Brownsea Island Ferries, but we’re doing ‘the guest commentary’ so if you fancy an evening out on the water then you can book on by calling 01929 462383. The weather forecast is looking fab so for more INFO CLICK HERE

Buff-breasted Sandpiper – Lytchett Fields – Ian Ballam


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