
Harbour update – 08/12/17

Single Black-necked Grebe and Guillemot were seen from the harbour mouth this morning with a Purple Sandpiper nearby on North Haven. 2 Great White Egret were still in the Middlebere channel where there was also a ringtail Hen Harrier. A male Merlin was once again on Hartland Moor in the late evening. In Arne Bay a female Common Scoter was present and c25 Spoonbill huddled together on Shipstal Point sheltering from the biting wind. The Stilt Sandpiper was still on Brownsea Lagoon yesterday whilst there were 32 Sanderling on Pilot’s Point and 22 Spoonbill in Lytchett Bay. With the freezing weather further north perhaps we may see some cold weather movement over the weekend?

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