
Harbour update – posted 05/01/18

The Combination of a very high spring tide and low pressure meant that there wasn’t any mud on show in the harbour anywhere during the two-hour school bird boat this morning. Subsequently most birds were pushed up onto the fields surrounding the harbour but one of the few species which appeared to be present in higher than usual numbers was Brent Goose of which at least 500 were seen in the Middlebere Channel. 6 Egyptian Geese were seen on floods in the East Holme area. In Poole Park there was no sign of yesterday’s group of Pochard but there were 12 Goldeneye and 7 Red-breasted Merganser. The female Velvet Scoter was seen again with 2 female Common Scoter between Brownsea Island and Goathorn and just 1 Black-necked Grebe was seen from the boat in choppy waters. 28 Spoonbill huddled together on a small newly formed island on Shipstal Point with another 2 on Lytchett Fields. 20 Little Egret up at East Holme were probably displaced by the high water in the harbour. A single Siberian Chiffchaff was still present in the PC World Drain viewed from the car park by KFC. The Hawfinch was seen again at Priory Farm, East Stoke, where 43 Chaffinch were counted.

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