
Harbour update – 21/01/18

It may have been a rather damp and miserable day but that didn’t deter the enthusiasm on today’s public bird boat and we were duly rewarded for our efforts. Undoubted highlights were a Red-necked Grebe out in the middle of the harbour and as we returned to the quay an adult Little Gull flew between the boat and Brownsea heading towards the Wareham Channel. At least 7 Great Northern Diver were dotted around the harbour but just 1 Black-necked Grebe was seen. Brownsea Lagoon was busy with 20+ Pintail and good numbers of Shoveler, Wigeon, Teal and Gadwall in addition to 70+ Bar-tailed Godwit including the breeding-plumaged bird. Other waders on the lagoon included a couple of Greenshank, 3 Turnstone, Black-tailed Godwit and plenty of Dunlin, Oystercatcher, Curlew and Avocet3 Spoonbill were tucked up in the far corner of the lagoon and a further 15 birds were in their usual spot on Shipstal Point. A single Razorbill was bombing around between Brownsea and Brand’s Bay and 2 Guillemot were off Poole Quay. Rafts of Red-breasted Merganser were a delight to see so close to the boat and probably numbered around 150 with lesser numbers (c20) of Goldeneye. Lastly, a Peregrine was seen over the boat near the docks and c10 Ringed Plover were on the quay wall.

Starling – Baiter – Ian Ballam

Great Northern Diver – Central Harbour – Paul Morton

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