
Harbour Update – posted 08/03/17

After a bit of discussion with a few locals we think we may have come to a conclusion to the 2 Snow Bunting at Studland theory. On the 6th another bird was feeding with the Snow Bunting and at long range was ID’d as a second bird. However, it now looks upon closer inspection that the second bird was in fact a Linnet. Oh well, still good to hear the single Snow Bunting is still performing well, showing down to a few tens of meters today. The Studland faithful of  Eider, 2 Black-necked Grebe and a Sandwich Tern all stayed put. At Swineham there were 2 Sand Martin struggling in the wind and rain at dawn and the 11 Barnacle Geese were still on the pit. Despite the crud weather, Cetti’s Warbler were really getting going in the Frome Valley and a walk at Swineham or along the Frome public footpath can reward you with great listening experience. Along Holme Lane a large finch flock is forming in the first cattle field on your right consisting of mainly Chaffinch, Linnet and Goldfinch but could easily draw in a Brambling (or better?) over the next few weeks. On Lytchett Fields the Green-winged Teal was still feeding with Teal and at Arne 8 Spoonbill were on Shipstal where a Whimbrel was also reported. 

We’ve also just put on 2 BRAND NEW SPRING BOAT TOURS. Click the link below for full details…

Birds of Poole Harbour – DAWN DISCOVERY BOAT TOUR

Snow Bunting – Shell Beach – Andy Copleston

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