
Harbour Update – posted 16/03/17

Spring continues to creep up on us with an increase of Sand Martin now arriving with c50 at Swineham GP late evening and the Harbours first House Martin in amongst them and another 2 Sand Martin through Lytchett Bay. The (a) Cattle Egret was seen flying relatively high above Swineham at 9:45am, heading SW towards Holme Lane…is it hiding out in the cattle fields in the Frome Valley somewhere? Another Bittern was seen at Swineham too. In Studland Bay 11 Black-necked Grebe were still present, most in summer plumage and 4 Common Scoter (3 drake, 1 female) were also feeding in the bay with the 1st w drake Eider sat out on the training bank. On Poole Park boating lake, 4 Red-breasted Merganser are still happily feeding away and Chiffchaff numbers were still steady around the harbour with many areas seeing and hearing singing birds.  Surprise surprise (as Cilla Black once sang), the Green-winged Teal and Lesser Yellowlegs were on Lytchett Fields and evidence grew that there may actually be 8 Waxwing around with 4 on Northbrook Road, Broadstone and another 4 still up on Hanham Road, Corfe Mullun, although we’re unsure of the timings of these sightings so they could still refer to the same birds. 

Cormorant – Hamworthy – Colin Moyes

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